
Two to Look One to See c / A reframing of speculative frameworks in light of recent research into the dual nature of the 'third eye' as both the governing source of our biological body clock and embodiment within time [the pineal gland], and the ideological source of our ability to imagine, speculate, and engage in mental time travel [the minds eye].











Fig 1. Diagrammatic depiction of third eye impact of speculation
Fig 2.Source reference for the framework
Fig 3. Comparator to existing speculative cone framework
Fig 4. Seeing futures in circles
Fig 5. Attributes of differentiation from existing futures mindsets
Fig 6. Applied exemplification of implications of framework as the project Circa Solar
Fig 7. Applied exemplification of implications of framework as the project Circa Lunar
Fig 8. Applied exemplification of implications of framework as the project This
Fig 9. Applied exemplification of implications of framework as the project The MIRED World in The Anthropocene
Fig 10. Applied exemplification of implications of framework as the project Exiting the Goldilocks Zone

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